Last summer the girls would constantly cling to Wander or me, even when wearing full flotation. So, we could only go to the pool when all four of us could go, and it was no fun for Wander and me. As a result, we hardly ever went to the pool. I wanted more for this year.
After two months of lessons at a local swim school, we've finally reached my goal.
Sparkle can swim for short distances, coming up for air. She can also back float for short distances. She can jump in from the side of the pool and swim back to the edge unassisted. She is tall enough to stand up in the shallow end of the pool, so she doesn't need flotation. She is still afraid of the deep end of the pool.
Glitter can jump in and swim, but hasn't figured out how to come up for air on her own yet. She can back float on her own for a few seconds, although she needs help getting into position. During swim lessons she didn't have any flotation, but we usually put floaties on her at the neighborhood pool.
The big test, however, was having Wander take both girls to the pool without me. Could both girls have fun and stay safe? Could Wander enjoy the water without two kids constantly clinging to him? Would the lifeguards let the girls roam on their own? (According to pool rules, non-swimming children must be within arm's reach of an adult when in the water.) Yes, yes, and yes.
This past week, the evening routine has revolved around the pool. If the kids clean up their toys before supper, Wander takes them to the pool after supper. They stay there until bedtime, and then they sleep well, having worn themselves out at the pool. I get to stay in air-conditioned comfort playing with Python.
Here's the girls with their first swim instructor.
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