Princess Glitter and Princess Sparkle

The girls had a blast. They *loved* playing with their friends and drinking lemonade from the pretty china cups.

Here's the royal gathering.

I know my girls would love to host a similar teaparty, but I don't think I could pull it off. I have one kid-size table, but no kid chairs and only a handful of cups.
Somehow when the girls were running around they found a yucky bug. Most of the girls shrieked and ran away. Sparkle, however, had no problem picking up the purse and shaking the bug off into the garbage. Then, the girls started playing that there was a pretend bug and Sparkle ended up in tears because somehow she thought they were calling *her* a bug. Fortunately, with a bit of comforting and explanation, she pulled herself together and joined the other kids in their play. Crazy kid. She has no problem facing the dangers of a real bug, but is reduced to tears by a pretend bug.

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