Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Ever since I started doing the new grammar program with Sparkle I have been wanting to start the corresponding poetry program by the same author. According to the program instructions, I'm not supposed to start the poetry book (Music of the Hemispheres) until we're done with the grammar book (Grammar Island), but I couldn't resist. I really want Sparkle to learn more about poetry. She likes poetry, but doesn't know much about what makes a poem a poem.

The poetry book starts with an introduction to the sounds of language. We read several pages and stopped on a page about onomatopoeia. The page has a picture of some water with the words "plop, trickle, drip, and splash" superimposed on it. We experimented with saying the words so that they sounded like what they mean. Then Sparkle wanted to act out the words. She was wearing a blue shirt and skirt so she pretended to be a water droplet. We put away the book and I grabbed the camera. Here is the result.

I think that we are going to love this book.

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