Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Numbers and Colors

I was talking with Wander about Sparkle and her color/number associations. He recalled that Sparkle's first encounters with written numbers was with foam numbers in the bathtub. He wondered if her color/number associations might have arisen from those foam numbers. Although it's been years since we've used them on a regular basis, we still have most of the foamies, so I dug them up for a color comparison.

Here is a color comparison for numbers according to C-rods, MUS blocks, Sparkle, and tub numbers:

numC-RodsMUSSparkletub num
3light greenpinkblueblue
5yellowpale blueredred
6dark greenvioletyellowyellow/blue (6 and 9 are identical shapes)
9blueaquablueyellow/blue (6 and 9 are identical shapes)
10orangeblueyellowyellow/yellow/purple (1 is yellow, and the blocks representing zero and the letter "O" are yellow and purple)

As you can see there is a high correlation between the colors of the foam tub numbers and Sparkle's personal colors for the numbers. Sparkle has only four different colors spread across the numbers. For seven of the ten numbers (1,3,5,6,8,9,10), Sparkle's number's match the tub numbers. For one of the numbers (2), Sparkle's color matched the C-rod. For the other two numbers (4,7), Sparkle's color didn't match anything.

I'd say that Wander figured this one out.

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