As usual, our walk started at the front pond.
After counting seven small fish, the girls turned their attention to the ants floating on the surface of the pond. The ants' wings were stick in the water and the poor insects' legs were wiggling like mad. Sparkle "rescued" one ant by scooping it out of the water. On the rocks, the girls watched smaller ants scurrying back and forth. On the ground, the girls found even more large ants with wings.
Lizards, in various sizes, are also in abundance, due to the warmer weather.
I've given up on hauling the large nature bag around, so the girls haven't been doing much drawing. Recently, I provided the girls with small notepads for them to carry in their purses. Sparkle pulled her notepad out to drawing the fish and the century plant.
Glitter hung out on the swing, the benches, and the "paths."
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