Sparkle caught this lizard and carried it all around the gardens, releasing it only when it was time to go. We didn't see any other lizards; it must be too cold for them.
Several squirrels showed their bushy tails. Most were too fast for my camera.
The trees were teaming with birds. We saw a few cardinals, and several other songbirds of various sizes. Unfortunately, my camera doesn't take decent pictures of tiny birds hidden among the leaves and branches.
On the other hand, Sparkle and Glitter ooh'ed and aah'ed for a while over this bride who posed quite nicely. It's not really the season for brides, but they do appear every now, as well as girls celebrating their quincenerias.
I don't think I've gotten photographic evidence of the ritualistic hand stamp the girls get each week. I'm surprised that Sparkle hasn't outgrown it yet.
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