Wander and Sparkle With Glasses
Wander and Sparkle on the only day when they both had glasses. Sparkle just got glasses, and Wander was about to get lasik. I didn't know that Sparkle needed glasses when I took her to the eye doctor. At Glitter's well check-up, I was told that Glitter needed to go to the optometrist. When I made the appointment for Glitter, I decided to make one for Sparkle as well. Turned out, Glitter didn't need glasses, but Sparkle did. Neither Sparkle nor I knew that the world was blurry to her. After we got her glasses, I found out that in Sparkle's religion class she asked to sit at the front of the class in the teacher's desk to copy work off the whiteboard. When Sparkle took a drawing class she kept trying to go to the front of the classroom to see the whiteboard, but her teacher kept asking her to sit down. Sparkle was nervous about getting glasses, but the glasses make such a huge difference in vision that she adapted quickly. Sigh. Oh, well, at least we caught it when Sparkle is still fairly young. I was in 6th grade before I finally got glasses.
Newly Hatched Butterfly
Wander found a pupa in the back yard and gave it to Sparkle. I thought Sparkle had forgotten about it, as I didn't see it again and Sparkle never mentioned it. Then one morning Sparkle had the newly hatched butterfly in her hand. I had her put it in this jar and we released it outside later that day.
Nature Center
Our homeschool group had a class at a local nature center. It was a huge group. A friend took these pictures of Glitter for me.
Beds Made
When I get annoyed at the girls, I need to remember this photo. It was the morning of sheet changing day. The girls stripped the sheets off their beds and took them downstairs to outside the utility room. The girls also put the fresh pillowcases on their pillows, and stacked the new sheets on the stripped beds. (They aren't strong enough to put the fitted sheets on the beds.) And they did this all without direct supervision. Wow. I may never get this level of co-operation from the kids again, but they did it this once.
Of course, the other side of their room looked like this.
Nature Walk
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