Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

MIA, Easter eve

Wow, I've really been ignoring this blog.

Probably because I have stopped taking pictures.

What?! My kids are cuter than ever and I'm not photo-journaling their lives? The horror.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I am so proud of my kids.

They have a bit of spending money and we went on a shopping trip. The main reason for the trip was to get make-up supplies for their spring dance recital. However, we ended up in Michael's.

Oh dear, I need to back-track a bit.

Glitter has been announcing that she's going to give a big surprise to Sparkle for Easter. Glitter has been stashing bits of candy in a plastic baggie for Sparkle. She even wrote in permanent marker that it is Easter Candy for Sparkle. Every now and then she snags a piece out of the baggie and eats it herself, but the baggie still actually has some candy left in it, and I suspect that Glitter really will hand it over to Sparkle tomorrow morning. However, Glitter wanted to get Sparkle even more for Easter. She thought the big pre-packaged Easter baskets at Sam's club would be perfect for Sparkle, but had to let go of that idea when she saw the price tag. She considered buying Sparkle some more candy, but didn't find just the right ones. I was super pleased with Glitter when she saw a chocolate egg in the store and exclaimed "$1 for just a little egg? That's crazy, I wouldn't spend that much on such a tiny egg!" Wow. Major breakthrough here. My girl normally thinks that there are only two prices in the world: yes, I have enough money (even if it's all she has), or darn, I don't have enough money. Now she's starting to figure out that some things aren't worth the money, even if you can afford it.

To continue this meandering of thoughts, Glitter discovered a sticker book sale at Michael's. She immediately decided to buy it for Sparkle for Easter. Then she discovered a different sticker book with sparkly Easter stickers and decided that would be even better. She wondered aloud which sticker book would be better and worried for a moment that Sparkle would be disappointed. Too bad that she couldn't ask Sparkle, who was standing right next to her and listening to her, because the present is supposed to be a surprise. I told Glitter that part of gift-giving is accepting that the giftee may or may not find the gift as wonderful as the giver. Anyway I'm surprised at Glitter's generosity. Although she is often very selfish, she also shares with her sister.

I think Glitter's generosity was starting to get to Sparkle. After weeks of hearing how Glitter was saving a special bag of candy for her, Sparkle decided to divide some of her candy into little baggies, one for each family member. Then at Michael's, after hearing Glitter decide to buy a sticker book for her, Sparkle started to look for something for Glitter. Only, Sparkle was better about keeping it a secret from her sister. Sparkle finally decided on a small, round, jeweled box.

I was also proud of Sparkle earlier at Michael's. She saw a little pendent that she really liked. At $4, it would have taken all of her money. I let her know I was skeptical, and wondered how soon she would loose it. (It's the type of toy she'd hold in her hand and then set down in some random spot.) However, I also let her know that it was her decision. After much angst, she decided to not buy the trinket. A minute later, the trinket was forgotten and Sparkle started hunting for something to get for her sister. The tiny box she got was a much better buy, and when we got home Sparkle filled it with candy for her sister.

I've typed enough nonsense.

The Easter baskets are filled with new crayons and colored pencils. The new Easter dresses are laid out. The Easter bunny has visited and scattered eggs. The colored eggs are waiting in the fridge. Wander is finally home. The dishwasher is running. I'm tired and want to go to sleep.

I'll probably sleep through the morning festivities when the girls discover their presents. Since I don't have a decent working camera, I guess it won't matter much. I do wonder when the girls will sneak their gifts for each other into their baskets. Both girls have been discussing how they will get up before each other, but after the bunny visits so that they can surprise each other. They tossed around different times 10pm, midnight, 3 am, etc. Whatever time it will be, I'll be asleep.

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