Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Silent Math with Glitter

Glitter decided that she did not want to talk during her math lesson.
She had a worksheet of mental addition problems to do.
I sat next to her while she did the worksheet.
When she had a question or comment, she wrote it on a scratch piece of paper.
In the interest of peace, I decoded her messages without commenting on spelling.

Here is a rough translation. I don't remember the exact order of her comments as she wrote in whatever part of the paper was empty at the moment, but her comments went something like this.

[I show her the worksheet.]
I don't think I can do that.

Can I have help yes no [I am supposed to circle my answer, but I just say yes. She has picked up the habit of asking me yes / no questions this way when I am teaching her sister and discourage interuptions.]

Can you help me?

[I read the problem aloud and wait for her reaction. She seems to know what to do now, so I say no more.]

Thanks mom!

[After she completes one of the problems.]
This one is complicated.
[I agree with her.]

[She gets a problem wrong, and I as if she is ready to discuss it.]
I am about ready but just a second.
[I wait.]
I am ready.
[We discuss the problem, she corrects, and then continues on.]

Can you help me the same way you did the other one?
[I read the problem aloud.]

Can you help me?
[I read the problem aloud.]

Can you check all of them?
[I check the ones she's done.]

Mom I almost finished the first column!
[All but one of the problems in the first column are done.]

Now I finished the first column.

You can check the next few ones.
[She has done a few more problems and I check them.]

Am I allowed to skip problems and go back to them?
[I guess the next problem is too hard for her. I tell her yes, and she starts skipping around.]


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