Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Monday, May 18, 2009


Sparkle figured out how to read cursive. I didn't teach her. I guess it's part of her natural nack for English.

I've been writing letters to the girls as an activity for a Charlotte Mason book club. On a whim, this morning I decided to write a letter in cursive, just to see what would happen. It was a short letter:

" Dear Sparkle,
" Daddy will take us camping this Friday. We'll have a long trip.
" Love, Mom"

I figured that the opening and closing would be easy for Sparkle, as they are always the same words. I was surprised that she read the rest of the letter with only one short pause and no comments about the different handwriting.

I'm not ready to teach her to write cursive yet. I'm still working on getting her to write so that her hand won't smear her writing (she writes left handed).

1 comment:

  1. that is cool! one less thing you have to formally teach.
