Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

knots & tablecloths; outdoor skills brought to use inside

The tablecloth on our kitchen table is a bit hard to describe. It is setup so that it doesn't hang over the edges of the table so little kids can't grab or pull it. The tablecloth is made of a sheet of clear plastic. The plastic is a little bit bigger than the tabletop, and I sewed a casing around the edge. Inside the casing is a ribbon. By pulling the ribbon tight on the underside of the table, I can tie the tablecloth to the table.

However, the ribbon gets loose and the kids play with the dangling ribbon. I wanted a better solution.

When we went camping last weekend, one of the guys in the group led a class on knot tying. Watching the ropes, I realized that I could use a bit of thin rope or cord to tie the tablecloth. Luckily, Wander has a nice stash of rope that I could peruse, and I picked a length of green polypropylene cord.

To get the cord through the casing, I planned to use the existing ribbon to pull the cord through. After some mistakes attaching the cord to the ribbon, Wander told me that I should use a knot. I remembered the sheet bend knot I learned at camp, because it is supposed to be good for attaching ropes of different thicknesses. Once the ribbon and cord were securely knotted together, it was easy to pull the cord through, and then use another knot to tie the ends.

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