Christmas Eve we had an early supper and then went to church. We arrived early enough to get a spot right at the front where the girls like to sit. The choir guitar ensemble played Christmas carols and the girls sang along. We peeked at the Nativity set up in the church and noticed that there was no baby Jesus in it yet, because of course he hadn't been born yet.
After church, it was bedtime for the girls. Sparkle dug out the packet of reindeer food that she got from school. After accidentally pouring the oats on the hallway floor, she swept up the mess and then carefully sprinkled the oats on the front lawn. Then it was off to bed.
Once the girls were safely tucked into bed, Santa visited and left presents under the tree in in our stockings. This morning we were awakened by the pounding of little feet up and down the stairs and down the hallway. Then came the pounding on my bedroom door. Wander and I were dragged downstairs so that the girls could open their gifts.
Sparkle got a tiara that she'd been asking for and Glitter got a *real* purse with a mirror! Both girls also got warm fuzzy slippers so that they will hopefully stop stealing mine. My favorite gift of the day was the 18" dolls that the girls got. I had a hard time waiting until Christmas to open the dolls, and I probably played with the dolls more than the girls. I would have loved a doll like these when I was a girl.
Wander got several books that he'd been wanting and an iPod. I got my Christmas present early, but that will take a post of its own.
We had a decadent family breakfast, and Sparkle is going to make one of her favorite lunches for us.
Joy to the World.
It's Jesus's birthday!
Merry merry Christmas!