Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Friday, December 11, 2009

Sparkle's Tooth

Sparkle has been constantly wiggling her loose tooth. She came home from school and had to show me how far it would bend. She said another kid at school told her to think happy thoughts and twist the tooth to get it out. I told her that would hurt and Sparkle agreed with me. Sparkle told me tales of how one kid lost a tooth while eating spinach and accidentally swallowed the tooth, and another kid lost a tooth while playing in the pool.

Then this evening as Sparkle lay reading by the fire she calmly got up and went to look in the mirror in the kitchen. Then she got a tissue and stuck it in her mouth. She had finally lost her first tooth. She danced around the house holding her tooth and kept checking back at the mirror to see. She repeatedly asked me to look at her tooth and the gap in her mouth. She practiced how, when Daddy came home, she would greet him with a big grin and ask if he noticed anything different about her, then she would show him the free tooth.

While Wander was a bit melancholy to see such evidence of his girl growing up, Sparkle was ecstatic at this further proof that she was a *big girl*. She put her tooth in a baggie under her pillow in hopes that the tooth fairy will take it and leave something else in its place.

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