Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sparkle's art

Here is a picture of two things Sparkle made. The first is a dinosaur from a coloring book that Sparkle colored and cut out. I am pleased with the development of her scissor skills. The second is just a pretty drawing she made. I love her use of color and how she filled the page.

Here is a little story that Sparkle made in her daily journal. The plot is dreadful and there are spelling/punctuation problems, but overall I am very pleased. (I have fixed her mechanical errors to the best of my ability in the version typed below.)

Once there was a happy mouse family. There was the mom, dad, and kids.
They lived in a hole in the wall. But every time that they came out, the cat jumped, but never really caught them.
But one day the cat caught the daddy mouse and ate him. The next day the mom and kids found the dad's bones in the doorway.
The mouse family was now a sad and daddy-less family. From then on they were an incomplete family. THE END


  1. Wow, what a story. That kid is tackling some deep thoughts. Her pictures were wonderful.

  2. Thanks. Sometimes I just wonder where her ideas come from.
