The first party was the homeschool group's party. We gather in a park and the kids set out their individual boxes. Here is Glitter with her jar that I decorated at the last minute the night before.
When some of the families realized that Sparkle wasn't there, they stuck an extra valentine in Glitter's jar to give to Sparkle. What a sweet gesture! I was planning on asking Glitter to share with Sparkle anyway, but this made the sharing even more appropriate.
Later that day after picking up Sparkle from school, the girls went through all the valentines and shared the candy.
In case Sparkle looks greedy opening one lollipop while sucking on another, she's really opening the lollipop for her sister.
The following week were the school Valentine's parties. Glitter got store-bought valentines to hand out. Sparkle draw a picture for her Valentines, then I scanned and printed enough copies for all her classmates. I also stapled candy to all the valentines.
Sparkle's party came last, and it marked the end of her days as a public schooled student. Yay for returning to homeschooling.
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