I now feel free to take more random kid pictures.
Here is Sparkle. She was having some trouble drawing the braces in the bar diagrams for math, so I told her to practice drawing braces during her free time.
I expected her to just draw some wavy lines, but instead she decided to come up with her own math problem. I commented that it was a very nice word problem, but there were no braces. I then got a scrap piece of paper and demonstrated drawing braces. Sparkle nodded, and I went on my merry way. A few minutes later, Sparkle showed me a picture of a character in her word problem, Molly. The only braces on the page were mine. A few minutes later, Sparkle has completed the bar diagram for her word problem with some nice looking braces.
I decided to take a picture of Sparkle with her word problem. Then I decided to take a picture of the accompanying illustration. Alas, Glitter has taken the paper and cut it up into pieces. We salvage most of the pieces, but cannot find the piece that shows the pie that Molly was smelling. (Hum, there are no erasers in the picture, contrary to what I would expect, given the word problem.) I take a picture of the pieced-together picture, and then Sparkle insists on drawing another picture of Molly for me to photograph.
BTW, the word problem is ...
"Sally had 2 erasers after giving 3 erasers to Molly. How many erasers did Sally have at first?"
The answer is 2+ 3 = 5. "Sally had 5 erasers at first."
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