Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

school for Glitter

After three years in preschool, I finally brought Glitter home. This school year Glitter is in pre-K. My main academic goal for the year for her is learning to read.

I'm using the textbook "The Reading Lesson" with Glitter, just like I did with Sparkle.

Here is Glitter reading today's lesson. You can see how she uses the notched card to keep track of which word she is on. When she has trouble with a particular word, she also backs-up the notched card to better sound out the individual letters.

I am also teaching Glitter the phonograms that she will eventually use when we start spelling after she finishes "The Reading Lesson". Once again, the flashcards are leftovers from when I made them for Sparkle.

In between the Reading Lesson and phonograms, I read Glitter a story of her own choosing. I figured that wasn't worth video-ing. BTW, today's lessons went abnormally smoothly. Glitter so enjoyed the idea of being on video that she was remarkably on-task during the lesson.


  1. Okay, why have I never seen the notched paper idea? Just used it with Ellie and it made a HUGE difference! Thanks for the idea! And way to go, Glitter...she's reading so well for age 4!

  2. Glad the notched card is working for you too. Sparkle didn't need the notched card, but it has really helped Glitter. Cheap too!
