Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Owie Knee

Three days ago when getting out of the car, my knee suddenly started screaming in pain. I don't know why. After a bit of experimenting I found that my knee felt completely normal when bent. However, whenever I tried to straighten it, the pain returned. I quickly stopped trying to straighten my leg.

I have no idea what happened to my knee. Nothing hit it. I didn't twist it. There was no popping sound. There was no swelling. If I sat for a long period of time, I would forget that it was hurt, only to remember as soon as I tried to stand up. I found that as long as I kept my knee bent, I could walk. So, I decided to wait and see.

The knee improved on its own over the course of the next two days. My range of motion increased. Today, I was finally able to walk normally. Good thing too. I was walking through the parking lot with the kiddos when my shoe slipped and I fell on that knee. Ironically, I fell in the middle of lecturing Sparkle about the importance of watching out for cars in a parking lot. Both girls reacted differently. Glitter wanted to see the boo-boo on my knee and didn't believe me when I said there was no boo-boo and she should just get into the car. Sparkle complained that the people behind us were laughing and couldn't see how it was really a funny situation.

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