Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Glitter Writes

Glitter likes to write. She does far more writing than her sister did at this age, although her spelling is far worse.

One day Glitter wrote some of her co-op science memory work on the white board. She made three columns. I didn't get a picture, so I don't remember her misspellings. The first column listed the classfication of living things: Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. The second column listed types of mammals: fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds. The third column listed the stages of metamorphosis: egg, larva, pupa, adult.

Here is a story that Glitter wrote. Glitter wrote it a few days ago in her free time and showed it to me. Then it disappeared. Today I discovered it again when straightening the sofa cushions. It is in a little blank booklet that I make for the kids to play with. She also drew a picture to go with it. (Her pictures also lag far behind what Sparkle was doing at this age.)

Oh, and the only reason "Once upon a time" is spelled correctly is because I got tired of seeing her misspell it over and over again, so I broke down and taught it to her a few weeks ago.
A Big dog

Once UPon a
time thar
wer a litll
Blo brd. It
waS siting on
a brach of
a tre.
then one day.
A men dog
cam up. And
omost got
the berd.
The End



A Big Dog

Once upon a time there was a little blue bird. It was sitting on a branch of a tree. Then one day a mean dog came up and almost got the bird.

The End.


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