Last Sunday I had purchased three five-pound bags of apples. One bag went straight to the fridge for Wander's lunches and other household eating. The other two bags were sitting on the counter waiting to be turned into apple chips.
We self sorted ourselves into the different tasks. Glitter handed the unwashed apples to Sparkle. Then Sparkle washed them and placed them in a big bowl. I set three peelers, the corer, a knife, and a cutting board on the table. When Glitter saw me peeling the apples, she wanted to try too, but it was too difficult for her. Instead she moved to spreading out the apples I had cut. Sparkle fared a little better at peeling than Glitter, but she quickly got discouraged at it too, so she joined her sister in spreading the apple slices.
Then the girls discovered the joy of eating the apple peels and we settled into our final roles. I peeled, cored, and sliced the apples. Sparkle spread the apple slices on the dehydrator trays, and she ate apple peels when waiting for me. Glitter just ate the apple peels. One and a half bags of apples later, all nine trays of the dehydrator were filled and we dumped all the remaining apple peels in the compost bucket for Wander.
In a few hours, or longer, we should have apple chips to snack on. Sparkle has been looking forward to having apple chips so that she can pretend that they are mushrooms.
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