We shared a funnel cake.
We saw the joust.
The girls joined impromptu games of "Steal the Bacon" and "Duck, Duck, Goose."
We checked out mini wooden catapults and trebuchets that shot marshmallows.
Sparkle got to do the human catapult ride again. This time she managed to do a flip. Tilt your head sideways when viewing the video.
Glitter wanted to try some rides that she had been afraid of last time, including the giant swings.
Our favorite show was new to the festival this year: Clan Tinker. This family act has some great juggling, acrobatics, dancing, music, and humor. Good, clean, fun, with a dollop of danger at the end. Later one we saw one of the cast members walking around the fair on stilts.
The girls were inseparable. Here they are waiting for the grownups to buy lunch, and petting a horse from the Birds of Prey show.
Then at the end of the day, an accident on the only road leading from the fair tied up traffic for over four hours. Although we exited the fair gates around six o'clock, we didn't leave the parking lot until after ten. Luckily Wander hooked us up with some friends who were camping and we enjoyed their hospitality while waiting: good eats, warm fire, rhythmic drumming, great company, and cozy blankets.
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