This year the tradition continues with Sparkle and Glitter. I'd taken Sparkle to The Nutcracker a couple of times, but this year was Glitter's first Nutcracker. We went to see the show put on by the dance studio where the girls attend. Afterwards the girls got to meet the professional dancers who were brought in to play the Sugar Plum Fairy and her cavalier.
Glitter was enraptured the entire performance. Once the lights went down, she stared and stared, not saying a word. On the way out of the theatre, she kept trying to dance on her tippy toes. Sparkle was also full of excitement and questions about how the show worked and what was real and what wasn't. At intermission I was finally able to convince her that her constant whispering really bothered everyone around us and during the second act she managed to keep her flow of comments contained to sign language.
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