The day started early for us because Sparkle had to go to the dentist to fix a lost filling. I wasn't sure if she would need an oral sedative, so I didn't let her have breakfast, and Glitter and I went on a sympathy fast. Luckily, Sparkle was able to get by with just laughing gas, however, I forget that her mouth would be numb. We made a quick stop at the grocery store for some yogurt and pudding for her to eat before heading to the park.
Along the way, we could see the dark clouds raining. I just kept praying for better weather. It was drizzling as we set up and there was a light mist of water on everything.
Then the families started coming, and coming, and coming. I had no idea how many people to expect, and I totally underestimated the amount of chaos that many kids creates.
Thankfully, all the moms helped out and the picture study for Fine Arts club was a success. One mom was really helpful sorting the kids out by age. (Oops, when separating the kids by grade, I forgot that some homeschool kids don't know what "grade" they're in.) I got to listen in as some moms (who are way more knowledgeable about looking at art that me) led some great discussions.

One mom took the preschoolers in hand.

Here's Glitter with her back to the group, doing her own thing.

One mom brought a boombox and played music by Vivaldi in the background. Although we didn't make a big deal of the music, I caught Sparkle singing snatches of the "Themes to Remember" lyrics for the Four Seasons that we've been listening to during morning music that week.
Yet another mom helped take notes on things to do better next time. (I need to email her to ask her for the list.)
By lunchtime, the weather had cleared up, and another mom led the kids in old fashioned games and dances.

After lunch, Nature Club was much more informal. Basically the kids broke up into family groups and walked around looking at stuff. By now the weather was getting hot. Many families chose to walk the nature trail across the street, but we stuck with the families that didn't roam as far. Another family found this wasp. Sparkle hooked up with one of the older girls and they roamed the hill together, making lists of things they saw.

Here Sparkle and Glitter show off their clipboards. Sparkle ended up listing 15 things on her paper! (Maybe she didn't draw anything because she got worn out drawing during fine arts.) Glitter's paper was the usual mish-mash of scribbles. She's still at the stage where she decides what she's drawn after she's drawn it.

Here Sparkle checks out a member of the "mint" family of plants: square stalk, opposite leaves, and aromatic. It's fun smelling the plants.

After the girls got tired of looking at nature, they played on the playground for a while. Then we went home and Glitter and I took a nap. Sparkle was supposed to take a nap too, but didn't. I was still asleep when Wander got home, so he made supper (he's awesome). Then he took all of us to the free concert featuring Chopin and Tchaikovsky.
It was so much fun! Thank you so much for organizing this. We all had a blast.