I'm not very good at sewing, although I can muddle my way through a simple pattern. I'm horrible at making things fit, which is why I like quilting - no-one cares if a quilt is a few inches too long or too short (anyone who would doesn't deserve a homemade quilt). However, ever since kids happened, I haven't had time to sew.
This weekend, I got to make a single, simple apron for Sparkle. And making the apron was fun! More fun than dinking around on the computer. More fun than reading a book. More fun than eating. I know this because I voluntarily put off doing all those things to get more sewing done. I also put off doing a boatload of chores and other stuff that I ought to have been doing.
Much thanks to Wander for taking care of the family so that I could sew.
Oh, and obviously, the apron is done, because otherwise I would still be working on it instead of being on the computer.
Here's a picture of Sparkle helping to pin the pattern pieces to the fabric.
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