Tonight, Wander took the girls on their nightly walk. Glitter was bummed that it was too late to catch the sunset, but went along all the same. Upon their return, Wander insisted that I look at Sparle's find. A toad. A noisy, croaky toad. Sparkle would pet its throat to get it to sing. Then it jumped out of her hands, and I screamed. Once she caught it again, I made her put it outside.
Last night, Wander came bursting in the back door, telling the girls to "drop everything, get your shoes, and meet me in the front yard right away." Ever eager for "outside" time, Sparkle stepped into her flip-flops on the way to the door. However, Glitter doesn't have slip-on shoes, so she ran out the door, clutching her sandals to her chest. Turns out there was a particularly spectacular sunset going on.
Last weekend Wander took the girls to a playdate at a local nature preserve. They met up with several other families and played in the sand and water. When they got home, Wander had to hose them off in the backyard. They liked it so much that they did it again this weekend, meeting up with slightly different kids.
And where was I during most of these exciting adventures? Alas, I'm an inside sort of gal. I can happily spend an entire weekend without ever stepping outside my home. I'm glad that Wander is able to make sure that our kids don't suffer from nature-deficit disorder.
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