I kept the drawer stocked with paper that had already been used on one side. When I need a map to someplace, I print it out, and after I get back, the map goes into the paper drawer. When we finish a worksheet for school, if it isn't worth keeping, it goes into the paper drawer. When I empty Glitter's backpack from school, I read the little notes from the teacher and then put the paper in the paper drawer.
However, the influx of half-used paper has not kept up with the girl's insatiable demand. The stack of paper in the drawer has gradually gotten lower and lower. This weekend it hit bottom. There was no more paper. Tragedy!
The girls didn't know what to do when they found the paper drawer empty. They wandered around, forlorn, looking for scraps of usable paper left out somewhere. They acted like tv addicts robbed of their screens, facing withdrawal.
I finally decided to open a new ream of copy paper and just give it to them. When I presented it to them they were so excited you would have thought they were getting candy. They were thrilled with the idea of having fresh clean paper that was white on *both* sides!
Sparkle promptly made this drawing of Mary Poppins, based on the movie which we watched on Friday evening. Jane and Michael are near the tiny house on the left side. The scene is from when they jumped into Burt's chalk drawing.

Glitter drew a picture too, but she decided that cutting was more fun than drawing before I got my camera out.
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