Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Monday, March 15, 2010

daughter dates

Wander got lots of daddy-daughter time with Glitter over the past weekend, but he missed daddy-daughter time with Sparkle. So, this evening he invited Sparkle out for pizza and a visit to the pet shop (her choice). That left me with Glitter. Not wanting to bother cooking for just the two of us, I decided to take Glitter out. I was quite pleased that she chose a Chinese restaurant. I was even more impressed that even though she didn't know the name of the restaurant, she could describe how to get there and the shops around it.

In addition to getting supper I wanted to get some shopping done, so I gave Glitter a choice - food first, or store first. She chose the store. I found holding her hand as we walked through the parking lot very sweet. While at the store, I noticed some kid's flip-flops on sale. Even though flip-flops are about the only shoes Sparkle wears, Glitter has yet to own a pair of flip-flops. So, I dug through the bins to find a child's "small." The flip-flops were a bit big for Glitter, but not humongous, so I bought them for her. Glitter insisted on changing into them as soon as I finished paying for them, so the cashier kindly cut the tag off, and Glitter proudly walked out of the store in her new flip-flops. She even managed to keep them on her feet the whole time at the restaurant.

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