Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Glitter was tired

Glitter had a busy day at the farm with Wander and Sparkle. She played hard and got really dirty. She didn't get enough nap in the drive home. She didn't even have enough energy to finish her supper: mac 'n cheese, her favorite.

During supper Wander announced that he had to go to the store this evening, and invited the girls to go with him. As usual, Sparkle jumped at the chance to go out with Daddy. On the other hand, Glitter said that she was too tired; she wanted to go to bed. I jokingly asked her if she wanted to put herself to bed right after supper. (Normally Wander or I put the girls to bed. Glitter's never done it by herself.)

I expected that Glitter's normal love of being with Daddy would make her run after him as soon as he got ready to leave. I was wrong. Glitter cleared her dishes and calmly watched Wander and Sparkle drive off without complaint. Then she came and gave me a hug, announced that she was going to bed, and marched up stairs by herself.

I was too flabbergasted and curious to follow her up. Instead I listened for and heard the sounds indicating that she was using the potty and brushing her teeth. I figured that I needed to head upstairs before she started her shower, as an unattended four year old in the shower isn't very safe. I was just in time to floss her teeth (she hasn't figure out how to floss her teeth herself yet), and then she climbed into the shower.

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