Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

ridiculous requirements

I'm strict when it comes to school. Here's some of the more ridiculous things I insist upon.

- Name and date on all school work. Even papers that are headed for the recycle bin as soon as we are done discussing them.

- Memory work every day of the week, including Saturday and Sunday.

- You're not done with a subject until you put away all of your books and supplies for that subject, including your pencil.

- Any of the following can cause a math problem to be wrong. Missing labels (e.g. inches, feet, dollars). Not clearly indicating the answer, especially in word problems.

- If you get too many math problems wrong, you have to explain *every* problem in the set.

- Handwriting and spelling are important as soon as you are capable of forming letters.

- You are responsible for finding your own pencil and making sure that it is sharp and has a decent eraser. I, however, am free to use your pencil when discussing your work.

- If you want me to come see something, you have to tell me what it is first so I can decide if it is worth getting off my duff. (Okay, so this is really to help Glitter develop her verbal skills.)

On the other hand, I do have my more lenient moments.

- You can avoid school work if it is close to lunch time by cooking lunch for the family.

- If you act angelically when we are at an outing, I'll probably forget that we still have school to do when we return home.

- Everyone is allowed to read a book at lunchtime. (Unless another adult is around, I gave up on lunchtime conversation years ago.)

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