Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sunday fun

The kids were playing in the backyard yesterday while daddy was out of town. Suddenly I hear a shriek and the girls come barreling into the house. Glitter is crying and covered in dirt. Sparkle babbles that Glitter was bit by a spider.

After Glitter is cleaned off and calmed down I try to figure out what happened. Sparkle finally admits that she didn't see what bit Glitter. At first Glitter thinks that she smashed the spider on her leg, but there were no spider parts on her leg. Eventually Glitter comes to the conclusion that she was bit by a round black spider in the rocks. Gulp. I can sense Sparkle about to toss out ideas on what the spider might have been, and I abruptly cut her off and tell her not to give her sister any ideas.

I refuse to let Sparkle say anything more on the matter, as she didn't actually witness anything. Sparkle has read far too much about bugs and her fertile imagination is working overtime. I don't want Glitter getting any more worked up than she is already. I have the girls take me outside where Glitter got bit. Glitter fearlessly poses on the rocks exactly as she had been. I poke around the dirt and rocks with a trowel, but only turn up some rolly-pollies. I can't even find a shred of torn spider web. Sparkle now announces that she also was bit -- but by an ant, not a spider.

We go back inside and I look up spider bites on the internet. The vast majority of spider bites are harmless. Even the toxin from venomous spiders isn't much when spread throughout an adult body. But, but, but, Glitter is such a tiny person, and she said it was a round black spider, and it's Sunday, and Wander isn't home, and, and, and, and ....

I give Glitter a hug and have her put StingEZ on the developing bump. I tell both girls to stay inside the rest of the day. Glitter runs off to play. The hours creep by and Glitter doesn't appear to give her "spider bite" any further thought. The next day it is spring break, and both girls seem to have forgotten the incident.

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