Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Friday, September 11, 2009

My kids, the mooches

My kids were such mooches yesterday.

The girls' dance classes are back to back. So, one girl is always stuck waiting during her sister's class. Sparkle didn't mooch much because we did school during her sister's class. However, Glitter was the big mooch. When her class was over, there were lots of other kids in the observation room. Lots of other kids with lots of toys. Lots of friendly kids that graciously allowed her to play with their blocks, and their other blocks, and their coloring books, and their puzzles.

Then in the evening we went to the free concert. The weather had been drizzly all day, and the lawn was damp, but we sat on the hill anyway. Not long after we settled down, we saw another family we knew, and the girls were off to play with them. They ran up and down the hill and were eventually joined by some other kids. Then the glow sticks started appearing. Before long, I could seen Sparkle running around with a glow stick. Then it was two or three glow sticks. Then the other families left, giving Sparkle their glow sticks. Sparkle ended up bringing home a dozen glow sticks!

{Insert mommy brag} When the family with the glow sticks first offered them to Sparkle, she came over to me, explained what was offered, and asked me if it was okay. Yay, those talks about not accepting gifts from strangers had some effect. {end mommy brag}

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