Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

whining about family

Random thoughts about the family ... mostly feeling depressed.

Wander caught some bug at his conference last week. After supper he fell asleep in the living room, and when I was putting the girls down he crawled into bed himself, hours early.

Sparkle has been having attitude problems. She's catching a bad vibe from me and reflecting it back at me.

Glitter is more of a numbers/spacial gal than a language gal. She was doing a mixed up version of "five little monkeys jumping on the bed" combined with "five little monkeys sitting on a tree." While she garbled the verses and started at ten instead of five, she did great subtracting one with each verse and displayed the correct number of fingers each time.

I just got the book "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell from Paperbackswap. The book helped me realize that I could tone down the girls' nightly shenanigans simply by taking away the lamp on their nightstand.

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