Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Saturday, October 2, 2010


A week ago our homeschool group had a PE class on playing soccer.

Given that we are not an athletic family, and last year's lack of interest in doing PE, I decided that I'd bring the girls to the park so they could see their friends, but I wouldn't make them play.

The weather was brutally hot, and Sparkle chose to hang out with a few other kids in the only shade around, under a tiny tree.

Glitter, on the other hand, is more physical than her sister. She got right in the thick of things.

Here is Glitter kicking a ball in the middle of the field. She doesn't care that she's smaller or less experienced than the other kids. Even wearing a dress doesn't slow this girl down.

Side note: Wander thought the girls should wear shorts for PE instead of their normal dresses. I countered that they should wear what they like, as girls have been doing PE in skirts and dresses for hundreds of years.

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