Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

moon sand

A while ago I bought a bunch of moon sand and a cart to store it. The cart lived in the garage and we occasionally pulled it out to play. Then life got busier, and stuff got piled on top of the cart, so we no longer pulled the cart out. The girls would look longingly at the cart and beg for moon sand, but I'd say no because it would be so much work to dig out the cart.

I finally suggest to Wander that we bring the cart of moon sand into the house, and he obliged. The girls love playing with the cart in the house. I had to remove the umbrella from the cart because the girls kept (accidentally) hitting each other with i, but since the cart is inside, they don't need the shade. I also had to make some pretty strict rules about keeping the sand in/over the cart that the girls try to remember. We've also had a few meltdowns about cleaning up the sand and getting in each other's way, but on the whole the girls have had a lot of fun.

Here is Sparkle cleaning off Glitter's feet after a session of moon sand.

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