Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Thursday, April 1, 2010


I was working with Sparkle in our poetry textbook. The assignment was to think of something that makes sounds and write about it using words that contain those sounds.

There were birds singing outside in the backyard so we picked bird sounds for our topic.

With some coaching, Sparkle and I came up with some words with bird sounds.
Then Sparkle picked the most bird-like of the sounds, taking into account meaning as well as sound: tweet, chirp, sweet, flurp, flutter, flitter, twitter, twig, chatter, and cheep.

With even more coaching Sparkle came up with these sentences:
"Tweet, tweet, tweet, there is a sweet bird on a twig."
"Flutter, flitter, twitter, up swoops the bird."

By then it was clear that Sparkle had reached the end of what she was capable of, so I sent her away to the other room while I composed the following poem.

Two birds on a twig, how sweet
To hear them twitter and tweet.
They chirp, and cheep, and chatter,
And then away they flutter.

When I was done, I invited Sparkle back and I read my poem to her. She liked it.

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