Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Paperback Swap Book Wrapping

I've joined PaperbackSwap to get rid of some old books that we don't want anymore (mostly Wander's old sci-fi) and in exchange get books that we do want (mostly picture books for Sparkle and Chinese textbooks for me).

PaperbackSwap has a way of wrapping a book in a sheet of regular 8.5" x 11" paper, so that you don't need an envelope. Lots of people seem to use envelopes anyway, but I like using the paper wrapper. One problem I've found when receiving a book wrapped in regular paper is that it is difficult to open. All of the seams are taped over, and I don't want to accidentally cut the book. So, when wrapping my own books, I've developed a method to make it easier to unwrap.

I stick a small slip of paper in the seam where the two edges of the paper meet. I label it "cut here to open" to explain the purpose. Then I tape over the seam and the paper slip, making sure to leave the edge of the slip un-taped. That way the recipient can fit a pair of scissors under the slip of paper and cut the wrapper off. I don't know how well the process works, since I've never unwrapped a book myself and none of the recipients of my books have commented on this wrapping method. However, I like the idea and wouldn't it be neat if the idea took off?

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