After dropping Glitter off, Sparkle and I went to Goodwill to donate a few things. After I made the donation, Sparkle counted out her coins and figured how much money she had ($1.16). Sparkle picked out a stuffed whale, which was $0.99.
I picked up two teacups ($0.79 and $0.99)to start a collection of teacups for teatime. Previously we have been using coffee mugs, which Wander thought were to vulgar.
Once home we did most subjects today, we only touched some briefly. For example, for spelling we only reviewed the phonograms; Sparkle didn't pick up a pencil. For math, Sparkle did one worksheet from the book that she just completed. (We finished the math book before Christmas, and I decided to start this semester by reviewing the worksheets from the previous book, since there are only a few of them. Then we'll start the next math book.) For reading, Sparkle just read the next lesson and we didn't do any comprehension questions.
Here we are playing a math game called "Go to the Dump." It is supposed to help the child practice the sums that make ten. Sparkle just likes it.
Then Sparkle got a hold of my camera and took a picture of me, and some self-portraits.
I also decided I decided to try making scones for teatime, since I didn't have any treats on hand.
Here is teatime. You can see the two cups that I got at Goodwill. Sparkle claimed the plain white one, and I got the glass one that has a map of the world etched on it. The teapot was a $5 find at a different thrift store last week. The flowers are still the $4 bouquet that Wander got for me before New Year's. The scones looked nice and golden, but turned out to be a bit too dry and not as sweet as I'd have liked. Sparkle didn't even finish eating one even after I smeared butter on it.
I got brave and decided to let Sparkle pour her own hot chocolate. I did remind her of the broken mug from the first teatime, and cautioned her to be very careful. I also instructed her how to use two hands and hold the lid in place.
Then later, Sparkle played with play dough. It's a puppy and various accessories for the puppy.
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