Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

First Friday

Our homeschool group meets on the first Friday of the month. This month it was switched to the second Friday due to the New Year. Sparkle joins her Little Flowers class and Glitter and I hang out in the baby/toddler room. I also ended up a hall monitor to remind the parents to sign in and to ask the kids to wait until the parents sign in before going upstairs. Hopefully yesterday was the last day that I'll have to do it. After the classes, most of the homeschool group heads over to a local park for lunch and play. The weather was gorgeous today.

Here are Sparkle and Glitter eating lunch. Although I like the tablecloth because Glitter still puts food on the table instead of her plate, I don't like how it isolates us.

Sparkle loves the swings. She has long since stopped needing me to push her, but she did ask one time and I agreed as long as she counted to the pushes in Chinese. I only had her count to five, though, because I didn't want to push very long.

Glitter found a plastic cup and a straw and had fun filling it with dirt, leaves, and grass. I'm not sure what she was cooking up, but it kept her fascinated for a long time.

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