There was a blood drive at church today. Wander planned on donating and we dropped him off at the blood drive while the girls and I went in to mass. However, no sooner had mass started than Wander showed up. Turns out that his last donation has been too recent and he wasn't eligible to donate again. So, in a last minute turn of events, I left the girls with him and went to donate blood. According to the paperwork, it was my 23rd time to donate blood here, and everything went smoothly. I was a little peeved because no-one introduced themselves or attempted to pronounce my name, so I had to ask. Call me strange, but I like to know the name of the person sticking a needle into me. I'm usually a slow bleeder, and this was no exception; the phlebotomist kept stripping the tubing to get it to flow better. However, I was still done before mass got out, and I was enjoying my bottle of water and shortbread cookies when I saw a firetruck go by. Turns out there was a medical emergency in the church which held up the service.
Here is my arm after I got home. It looks skinny in the picture, but is much fatter in real life. I didn't get to pick out the color of my bandage this time.

In other news, here is Glitter helping Wander peel an onion for supper. She's standing on a chair.
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