Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Clothespin Art Gallery

My fridge was being overrun with kid art. Both Sparkle and Glitter are fairly prolific produces of papercraft, since they have free access to paper, markers, crayons, colored pencils, scissors, and tape. Usually they use magnets to affix their pictures to the fridge. They even started using letters from the Word Whammer to hold up pictures. I started instituting a rule that if I found a picture on the floor, I would think it must be garbage and throw it away. Sparkle is pretty good about putting up her artwork, but there got to be so much stuff that it was difficult to open the fridge without paper getting in the way.

I decided to try a new idea. A while ago I had Wander install some small eyelet screws under the counter, thinking that I could hang school stuff there. However, my previous attempts at hanging stuff there didn't work out. So, I decided to try installing some clothespins and having the girls hang their own artwork there.

Hopefully this will help contain the artwork more. It will give the kids a place to put artwork without interfering with the operation of the kitchen. It will also give them build up the muscles in the fingers.

There are six clothespins. I originally was going to assign three clothespins to Sparkle, and three to Glitter, but I decided to give them a chance to work out how they wanted to use the clothespins first. Maybe they will work it out. However, if they end up fighting over the clothespins I'll intervene. It didn't take Sparkle long to figure out that she could hang up multiple pictures using a single clothespin.

We'll see how it goes.

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