Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

School and Snacktime at Playgroup

Sparkle is pretty good about doing school at playgroup. She sits down to work as soon as we've said hello to everyone and doesn't complain, although she is always thrilled when I turn her loose to play. You can see Glitter scooting around on a little yellow and red car in the background.

Here's a picture of snack time at playgroup. The mom's bring snacks to share and drinks for our own kids. For me it's usually whatever box I grab from the pantry. Glitter and Sparkle are in the far right corner. I still have them use sippy cups for playgroup because it is easier.

1 comment:

  1. What's with the strange nicknames all over the place? Anyhow, since you're hiding names, I'll just use initials. K looks ambiguously left-handed, writing and eating left-handed, but scrubbing and pouring right-handed, while K looks unambiguously right-handed, despite everyone else in the household being at least somewhat left-handed.

    And you'd be K too, but your name isn't hidden.
