Then Glitter started crying, so I brought her downstairs despite her complaints that she wanted to lay in bed. Then she curled up on the sofa and slept some more.
She perked up a bit later, and crawled into my lap, where I stroked her hair. I asked Sparkle if she could get a sippy cup, since I suspected that Glitter was probably a bit dehydrated, since her pull-up was only a little wet. Now, Sparkle hasn't gotten a sippy cup before, but she has started getting regular cups out of the cupboards with a step stool, and she does know how sippy cups work, so I thought I'd see if she was up to the task. Sparkle did great getting the sippy cup. She did accidentally put the valve in backwards and dribbled water all over Glitter when first giving it to her, but that was quickly remedied.
A sippy cup, three bowls of oatmeal, and a bowl of cereal later, Glitter was feeling a bit better.
But then she fell asleep again, and I started researching illnesses on the internet and my childcare books, just in case. However, with just a fever and being sleepy, and no other symptoms, there wasn't much to go on. I decided against calling the doctor just yet, still thinking she just needed some rest. Plus, her pediatrician has recently changed practices and we haven't see a doctor since he moved. Plus, it's probably just a virus and the doctor couldn't do anything anyway.
But Sparkle was bored and didn't like my suggestion of scrubbing toilets again, and she eventually coaxed Glitter to get up and play outside with her.
The weather was so nice that the girls had a lunch of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the back yard.
Glitter was chipper again and it was time to go to the library. I had a cartload of books to return, and five books and movies on hold to pick up.
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