So, Wander went out to buy a ladder. While he was out, Sparkle made a hut out of blankets, pillows, bouncy balls and whatever else she could find. Sparkle and Glitter argued a bit because Glitter kept moving the pillows to lay on them which caused Sparkle's house to fall down. Finally I got Sparkle and Glitter to stop whining at each other and explain what each wanted and why. Turns out they were fighting about totally different things. Sparkle wanted to build a house. Glitter wanted to lay on a pillow. So, Sparkle gave Glitter a pillow that was too small to be building material, and Glitter pretended to nap in the house instead of tearing it down.
Then Wander came back with a ladder.
A 28 foot ladder.
He separated the ladder into two parts and used just half of it to reach the lights on the gutters of the first story.
However, the lights in the arch of the entryway required both sections of the ladder. Wander, who does not like big heavy ladders, did an admirable job of maneuvering the ladder by himself without breaking any windows.
Meanwhile the girls, always happy to be outside, played with sidewalk chalk on the driveway.
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