Play: a dramatic performance, as on the stage
Friday morning our homeschool group went to see a youth production of "Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe." It was an awesome performance, well worth seeing. It was Glitter's first time being in a theatre and she usually has trouble sitting still for an extended length of time, so I was a bit concerned how she'd do. I was quite pleased that she made it through the entire 1 1/2 hour show with only one potty break in the middle.
As a side note, Sparkle kept referring to the show as a ballet. As she has seen several ballets before, but this was her first play, her confusion was understandable. Eventually I was able to explain that a ballet has dancing but no talking, whereas a play has talking but no dancing. (An oversimplification to be sure, but good enough for now.)
Play: to amuse oneself
In the afternoon, Sparkle crafted our family out of playdough. If you look carefully, you can see that the playdough Glitter has two ponytails sticking straight up out of her head. Sparkle always gives Glitter that same hairstyle in drawings too. Yet, it's been a long time since Glitter's hair has stood up like that.
Play: to amuse oneself
Glitter likes to cut with scissors. When she first started to use scissors it was a way to keep her occupied while I taught Sparkle. Cutting paper has evolved into one of Glitter's favorite activities, and she has gotten tall enough to get the scissors out of the drawer by herself. I have her cut on the floor, as the snips would end up there anyway, and this way the table doesn't force her hands and arms into awkward positions. She still cuts randomly, but at least she is pretty good about throwing her snips in the garbage afterward.
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