Homebody Wander Sparkle (age 8) Glitter (age 6)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Salad Crisper

We have started eating salads at supper. Earlier, we would only eat salads when Wander's parents visit us and his mother would buy the lettuce and make the salads. Then, on a whim last fall, I started buying bagged salads from the grocery store. Wander liked them, and I liked them too, given enough salad dressing. However, they never kept in the fridge. I'd buy the tiniest bags and they'd still rot in the fridge.

Then one day when I was wandering the aisles of the grocery store, I splurged and bought this salad crisper. It was something like $15, but I figured it would pay for itself fairly quickly in the bagged salads that I wouldn't be throwing away.

The lettuce crisper takes up a huge amount of space in the fridge, but it is worth it. It actually keeps a head of lettuce fresh. The key features are that the lettuce sits on a perforated platform above a well of water and there is a vent to let air circulate. So far I have not had to throw out any rotten lettuce since I started using it. It also stores celery and any other random, sliced salad veggies nicely. I do have to buy the slightly smaller heads of lettuce to get them to fit.

We now eat freshly made salads about 3-4 times a week. Usually the salads are only lettuce, celery, and carrot. However, I throw in some cucumber, tomato, or bell pepper depending on what we have on hand. Even Sparkle and Glitter will occasionally eat a little salad.

At first I drenched my salads in salad dressing, but then I realized that all I could taste was the dressing, and none of the veggies. What was the point in eating veggies if I couldn't taste any of them? So, I started eating my salads without dressing and now I can actually taste the carrot, tomato, celery, etc. The lettuce doesn't have much flavor, but it does have crunch.

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