I insisted that my kids wear sturdy shoes when we do fireworks. Glitter's shoes are Velcro, and I help her with them anyway. However, Sparkle knows that I will no longer put shoes on her and she struggles with getting tennis shoes on. She can actually tie them fairly easily, but she finds it really tough to loosen the laces to get her foot in, straighten the tongue, and then tighten the laces again.
Here are some faces.
Wander is the fuse-man. He really enjoys fireworks. Usually one of the other dads will help him light fireworks, but this time Wander was the only one, even though other families did contribute some fireworks. For some reason my camera wouldn't take decent pictures of the fireworks. I'd press the shutter well before the lights and the camera would think and after the shower of sparks was over the camera would finally take a picture. I got really frustrated at it and finally gave up on trying to capture the aerial fireworks. Here is Wander with a fountain.
Meanwhile, I'm the neighborhood sparkler supplier. (Note: I did ask the parents if it was okay for me give their kids sparklers, and most of the parents supervised their own kids when we were passing out sparklers.) I spent most of my outside time handing out sparklers. I found that the easiest way to light a sparkler is off of another sparkler. So, I kept chaining my sparklers, lighting another one whenever one got low. Then another mom helped hand out sparklers to the kids who would light their sparklers off of mine. We went through an entire box of 144 sparklers (a gross of sparklers)!
Here I am doing my sparkler dance.
We also had a bunch of snaps that the kids liked, however they don't photograph well.
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